Standard 4:

Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments

Task 2, Evidence 1 - Math PPT.pdf
Task 2, Evidence 2 - Math Unit Plan.pdf
Task 2, Evidence 3 - English PPT.pdf

Descriptor 4.1

Descriptor 4.1 is met through affirmation, contribution, purpose, and challenge in the classroom. On page 27 of Task 2, Evidence 1, I share example of student work to affirm their thinking, recognize their contribution, and give them a sense of purpose as their learning helps others. Additionally, Google Meet is used to stream every class so health restrictions don’t limit a student’s ability to participate in class. 

Descriptor 4.2

Classroom activities are maintained with established routines and reinforced visually in the lesson PPTs, like on page 3 and 11 of Evidence 1 (descriptor 4.2). This is one factor that helps manage challenging behavior (descriptor 4.3). Additionally, I sit students with challenging behavior strategically away from distractions and near the teacher, I have manipulatives and other supports available for struggling students, the lessons are designed to engage students and feel relevant, and I randomly call names for consolidation after learning activities to keep them accountable (Evidence 1, page 16). Evidence 2 also lists differentiation strategies and contingencies for challenges in the classroom. However, the best way to manage challenging behavior is to build rapport with the students. I do this by spend all free time – morning times, break times, and dismissal times – talking and joking with the students. Mutual respect and a trusting relationship with the students in built during these times, which discourages challenging behavior. If challenging behavior arises, students feel safe to discuss the source of these behaviors with the teacher.

Descriptor 4.3

Classroom activities are maintained with established routines and reinforced visually in the lesson PPTs, like on page 3 and 11 of Evidence 1 (descriptor 4.2). This is one factor that helps manage challenging behavior (descriptor 4.3). Additionally, I sit students with challenging behavior strategically away from distractions and near the teacher, I have manipulatives and other supports available for struggling students, the lessons are designed to engage students and feel relevant, and I randomly call names for consolidation after learning activities to keep them accountable (Evidence 1, page 16). Evidence 2 also lists differentiation strategies and contingencies for challenges in the classroom. However, the best way to manage challenging behavior is to build rapport with the students. I do this by spend all free time – morning times, break times, and dismissal times – talking and joking with the students. Mutual respect and a trusting relationship with the students in built during these times, which discourages challenging behavior. If challenging behavior arises, students feel safe to discuss the source of these behaviors with the teacher.

Descriptor 4.4

Student safety is ensured through emergency earthquake and fire drills, safety hats on the back of every seat, sanitizing all desks before lunch and after school, daily temperature check for all students and staff, and vomit kits in every classroom (descriptor 4.4). Additionally, I always have a mini first aid kit with me inside and outside the classroom, monitor and safely store the wires and other equipment in the class, and remind students to properly store their belongings. If necessary, I can provide additional evidence of all of these safety measures.

Descriptor 4.5

ICT safety (descriptor 4.5) is ensured by previewing any media in the planning process and using a secure server for all internet communication.